1.     Introduction

1.1       Purpose

    This policy seeks to provide a framework and a brief but comprehensive guide to the teaching-learning process. It is to be expected that as the institution develops this policy would be altered to suit and as such this policy shall be reviewed whenever necessary.

1.2       Scope

This policy would be administered by the administrative staff and lecturers. This policy directly impacts upon and applies to both students and stakeholders of ENSAFE: INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH, SAFETY & COUNSELLING TRAINING LTD. In addition to this, the administrative staff would prepare reports periodically based upon documents arising out of this policy for The Management Team.  The Teaching-Learning Process Policy considers the following as it relates to ENSAFE: INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH, SAFETY & COUNSELLING TRAINING LTD:-
1.      Admission
2.      Class Attendance
3.      Award and Transfer of Credits
4.      Award of Qualifications
5.      Processing and Disbursing of Transcripts

1.3       Roles

This policy would be administered by:
1.      Administrative Officers
2.      Lecturers

1.4       Inquiries

Inquiries can be made from:
Administrative Officers
#156-158 Coffee Street, San Fernando.
Tel. # 652-9559

2.     Procedure

2.1       Admissions

Step 1         Students are admitted to programmes based upon their satisfying the pre-requisites for certain courses, for example students need to show that they have passed English at CXC/GCE level to gain entry to the designated programme.
Step 2         Students may have satisfied these pre-requisites but are unable to fulfill their financial obligations and may decide to defer the course until a later period. This is due to the fact that none of our programmes are GATE approved as yet.
Step 3         Students will complete the Participant Registration Form and the Programme Registration Form found in Appendix I and II before their entry onto the programme can be confirmed.

2.2       Class Attendance

Step 1         Students need to show that they have attended at least 75-80% of their classes. This is indicated in the Programme Registration Form of Appendix II
Step 2         Class Attendance would be determined by students signing on the Student Sign-In Sheet found in Appendix III.
Step 3         Class Attendance would also be determined by lecturers completing the Attendance Register found in Appendix IV.

2.3       Award and Transfer of Credits

Step 1         Students are admitted to programmes based upon their satisfying the pre-requisites for certain courses
Step 2         Students need to show that they have attended at least 75-80% of their classes

2.4       Award of Qualifications

Step 1         Students upon successful completion of courses are awarded certificates or cards. The administrative office contacts students who will sign that they have collected their cards or certificates.

Step 2         If students need to transfer credits, the institution will provide official letters for this purpose.

2.5       Processing and Disbursing of Transcripts

Step 1         Students are contacted either by telephone calls, text, emails or letters.

Step 2         The administrative office usually processes and disburses these transcripts by recording them in a log book and having students sign as they receive them.

2.6       Disposition of Records

Step 1         Students records of assessment will be kept in the files related to their classes. These records are treated as confidential material and would be kept on a database system. It is agreed that we intend to keep the records as hard copy as well as soft copy.

Step 2         The actual assessment itself would be treated as confidential waste and samples would be kept but they would be destroyed after three years.

Step 3         The Transcript/Recommendation/Time off/Letters from in Appendix V  is used by the administrative staff when students come in for transcripts.        

2.7       Leave of Absence

Step 1         If students need to obtain leave of absence then they can apply for this using the form in Appendix VI.

Step 2         It can be noted that the Diploma in Child and Adolescent Counselling is structured in such a way that students can complete a year and obtain a certificate and come back on another occasion to complete the course.

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